My Birth Story

I am not sure if it is just me, but I love birth stories, especially when I was pregnant with my son. I think it is so amazing how every women's story is different from the next. Many babies being born and all in different ways just as God designed it.

Leading Up to Due date

It all started the Friday before, I woke up with some contractions happening every five minutes or so ( I wasn't really paying much attention). I went out to do some errands and was experiencing contractions the whole time, it wasn't painful to me so I didn't think I was going into labor I was thinking maybe some braxton hicks contractions. When I arrived home my contractions were about every two minutes apart, my husband just got home from work and noticed my belly had dropped. I was still waiting for this intense pain to hit me (so I had been told would happen) well it wasn't coming, so husband and sister in law convinced me to finally head to the hospital.

Hospital Arrival

 We had just arrived to the hospital our nerves are high and my husband grabs my hands and prays for us before we even get out of the car. We get signed in, I am still having my contractions two minutes apart. Finally we get called taken to the observation room and I change into that stylish green hospital gown. I get connected to the baby monitors and my nurse checks me and I am only 3 centimetres dilated at the time and tells us she will fill in our paperwork, then make me walk for an hour. Moments later my water ruptures and my nurse tells me change of plan and she will get me into the next available delivery room. 

Its Go Time

Now its after eight and Adam is calling our families updating them on what was happening ( it was getting real now). We got into a labor room and some family came to the hospital to wait. My night nurse puts in my IV, connects me to the baby monitors, and gets us some dinner. I am progressing naturally and at good pace so I didn't need any pitocin. I choose before going into labor to try to have an all natural labor that included no epidural. 

Then the Sun Came up

Its Saturday morning and I am awaken by more painful contractions, I knew today was the day our son would be born. My nurse checks me and I am now dilated to eight cementers, I am greeted by a new day nurse and she moves me to my side telling me we are close. Adam comes to my side and helps guide me through the contractions and prays for us one more time. We get to the point where there was a lot of pressure and I want to push, so Adam rushes to get the nurses. She tells me its time to start using some of these contractions. Nurses are running around setting things up and the doctor comes in and my husband is by my side guiding me. Adam was the only way I was able to get through it, after pushing for some time at 8:46 am after thirteen hours of labor out arrived our son Julian Paul Fernandez weighing seven ounces and twenty-one 1/2 inches long. Instantly the room went quite and the only people that  mattered were my husband and our new son Julian. Tears fell from our eyes as our hearts just grew a little more, we were in love!

Truly the best day of my life!!


  1. Omg how adorable! You made it sound so perfect and easy! What an intimate moment for husband and wife, mommy and daddy! I love you guys! God certainly blessed you! ♥️
    Wait what was his weight? It says 7oz.

    1. Thank you! yes he was 7oz on the dot just perfect.

  2. Oh lovely. I'm excited and glad you guys was so blessed with a great son. I love the story. Keep them coming....maybe the begaining of you and Adam....where you guys met. I love true stories. 💗


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